Hoisting an AirCraft

Using a Crane to Flip an AirCraft Here at McIntyre Crane & Rigging, we provide just about any hoisting service, from small HVAC lifts with our 30-ton cranes to large tandem lifts with our 130 and 200-ton cranes. One of the most rewarding parts of working in the crane and rigging industry is the variety […]
3D Lift Planning

3D Lift Planning There’s no doubt crane service technology has improved our day-to-day lives but it has also improved the way we work. With a properly trained person and the right software, it is possible to create a lift plan for any crane and rigging job and virtually make the lift weeks or even months […]
What to look for when hiring a crane company

As we move through this interesting period of Covid lockdowns business is still moving ahead. The construction industry is still moving ahead and government stimulus packages are going to ensure a busier time moving forward. McIntyre crane services many industries including Roofing and building, construction and concrete, infrastructure, power line, HAVC, Oil and Gas to […]